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Local Energy Markets and MOSAIK (2002-2004)

In 2002-2004, two research projects funded by the Danish Energy Agency and the Danish Environment and Energy Ministry used the EnergyPLAN model for designing a flexible energy system which could promote the integration of both CHP and wind power. It was concluded that significant benefits are connected with an increase in the flexibility of the Danish energy system. On the one hand, it is possible to gain benefits from trading electricity with neighbouring countries, and, on the other, Denmark will be able to make better use of wind power an other types of renewable energy in the future.


The results are published in the following two reports (in Danish) and the journal article (in English):


Lund, H., Østergaard, P.A., Andersen, A.N., Hvelplund, F., Mæng, H., Münster, E. and Meyer, N.I. Lokale Energimarkeder. Aalborg Universitet, Skriftserie nr. 290.


Østergaard, P.A., Lund, H., Blåbjerg, F., Mæng, H. and Andersen, A.N. MOSAIK – Model af samspillet mellem integrerede kraftproducenter. Aalborg Universitet, Skriftserie nr. 294.


Lund, H. and Münster, E. Integrated energy systems and local energy marketsEnergy Policy, Vol. 34 (10), pp. 1152-1160.


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