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Samsø Energy Vision 2030 – Converting Samsø to 100% Renewable Energy


Brian Vad Mathiesen, Kenneth Hansen, Iva Ridjan, Henrik Lund, Steffen Nielsen

The purpose of this report is to investigate potential scenarios for converting Samsø into 100% renewable energy supply in 2030 with focus on local electricity and biomass resources.
Firstly, a 2013 reference scenario is established to investigate whether Samsø is 100% renewable today. Next, scenarios are developed reducing the heating demand, expanding and installing large heat pumps in the district heating network followed by an implementation of individual heat pumps in the buildings outside of district heating areas.
Subsequently, a number of transport scenarios are created utilizing the local electricity resources and converting biomass consumption from the heating sector to the transport sector.
The scenarios show that it is possible to create an energy system in 2030 on Samsø only supplied from renewable energy sources and only using local biomass resources. The results indicate that the socio‐economic costs will stay similar to today and in addition, the scenarios can potentially contribute to local job creation and at the same time enhance security of supply.

Some of the risks in these developments are related to the technological developments, the capital intensive investments required as well as the implementation of the suggested measures.


Download the report here.


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