Category Archives: Different Technologies

Large-scale integration of wind power into different energy systems (2005)

The paper presents the ability of different energy systems and regulation strategies to integrate wind power. The ability is expressed by the following three factors: the degree of electricity excess production caused by fluctuations in wind and Combined Heat and … Continue reading

Posted in All Case Studies, Denmark, Different Technologies, District Heating, Electric Vehicles, Heat Pumps, Hydrogen, Location, Scientific Literature with EnergyPLAN, Wind Power | Leave a comment

A 100% Renewable Energy Strategy for Denmark (2007)

This paper discusses the perspective of renewable energy (wind, solar, wave and biomass) in the making of strategies for a sustainable development. Such strategies typically involve three major technological changes: energy savings on the demand side, efficiency improvements in the … Continue reading

Posted in 100% Renewable Energy, All Case Studies, Denmark, Different Technologies, Location | Leave a comment

Large-scale integration of optimal combinations of PV, wind and wave power into the electricity supply (2006)

This article presents the results of analyses of large-scale integration of wind power, photo voltaic (PV) and wave power into a Danish reference energy system. The possibility of integrating Renewable Energy Sources (RES) into the electricity supply is expressed in … Continue reading

Posted in All Case Studies, Denmark, Different Technologies, Location, Photovoltaic, Scientific Literature with EnergyPLAN, Wave or Tidal Power, Wind Power | Leave a comment

Integrated transportation and energy sector CO2 emission control strategies (2006)

This paper analyses the mutual benefits of integrating strategies for future energy and transport CO2emissions control. The paper illustrates and quantifies the mutual benefits of integrating the transport and the energy sector in the case of Denmark. Today this issue … Continue reading

Posted in All Case Studies, Denmark, Different Technologies, Hydrogen, Location, Scientific Literature with EnergyPLAN, Synthetic Fuel | Leave a comment

Electric grid stability and the design of sustainable energy systems (2005)

Link to the Journal Paper Today, in most countries, electricity is produced either on hydropower or on large steam turbines on the basis of fossil fuels or nuclear power. Electricity from distributed generation constitutes only small amounts. Until now, the … Continue reading

Posted in All Case Studies, Denmark, Different Technologies, Electric Grid, Location, Scientific Literature with EnergyPLAN, Wind Power | Leave a comment

Excess electricity diagrams and the integration of renewable energy (2003)

This article presents a methodology of showing the rate of integration of specific renewable energy sources (RESs) into the electricity supply system. The methodology is used on large-scale integration of wind, photo voltaic and wave power into a future Danish reference … Continue reading

Posted in All Case Studies, Denmark, Different Technologies, Location, Photovoltaic, Scientific Literature with EnergyPLAN, Wave or Tidal Power, Wind Power | Leave a comment

The Role of Electricity Storage for Integrating Wind Power in Ireland (2010)

In the PhD dissertation “Integration of fluctuating renewable energy using energy storage”, David Connolly used the EnergyPLAN model to analyse pumped hydroelectric energy storage (PHES). After completing an extensive review of existing energy tools, EnergyPLAN was chosen for this research … Continue reading

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The IDA Climate Plan 2050 – A 100% Renewable Energy Scenario for Denmark (2009)

In this report, technical energy system analysis, effects on fuel consumption and emissions of greenhouse gases, as well as socio-economic consequences have been calculated with the EnergyPLAN model. In addition, the report analyses employment effects, technology export potential and health … Continue reading

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The IDA Energy Plan 2030 – A 100% Renewable Energy Scenario for Denmark (2006)

In the autumn of 2006, the EnergyPLAN model was used for the condensed analyses of the Energy Year 2006 of IDA. The outcome of the Energy Year is an energy plan for the year 2030. The main report and background … Continue reading

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Danish Expert Group on electricity production from CHP and Renewable Energy (2000-2001)

In 2000-2001, the EnergyPLAN model was used in the contributions of Aalborg University to the work of a Danish expert group formed by the Danish Energy Authorities to analyse the excess electricity production problem arising from large-scale integration of CHP … Continue reading

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