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Case Studies

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Important Note: After you select a category, a short list will appear. Therefore, you may need to select ‘Older posts’ at the bottom of the list to view more of the studies in that category.

Danish Energy Agency: Energy Stategy 2050 – 100% renewable energy scenarios


100% Renewable Energy


Danish Energy Agency

In March 2014 the Danish Energy Agency published scenarios for a vision to become fossil free in 2050: “Energiscenarier frem mod 2020, 2035 og 2050” (Danish report) “Energy scenarios for 2020, 2035 and 2050” (English report)   These are the first scenarios to go 100% Renewable Energy from a governmental institution in Denmark and in the rest of the world.   In 2015...

Copenhagen Energy Vision: A sustainable vision for bringing a Capital to 100% renewable energy


100% Renewable Energy


Brian Vad Mathiesen, Rasmus Søgaard Lund, David Connolly, Iva Ridjan, Steffen Nielsen

The short-term goal for The City of Copenhagen is a CO2 neutral energy supply by the year 2025, and the long-term vision for Denmark is a 100% renewable energy (RE) supply by the year 2050. In this project, it is concluded that Copenhagen plays a key role in this transition. The long-term vision of 100% RE can be achieved in...

Zero carbon energy system of South East Europe in 2050

100% Renewable Energy


Dominik Franjo Dominković, Ivan Bačeković, Boris Ćosić, Goran Krajačić, Tomislav Pukšec, Neven Z. Duić, Nataša Markovska

Link to the journal paper   Download the EnergyPLAN models here. South East Europe is the region in a part of Europe with approximately 65.5 million inhabitants, making up 8.9% of Europe’s total population. The countries concerned have distinct geographical features, various climates and significant differences in gross domestic product per capita, so the integration of their energy systems is considered...

Vision and initial feasibility analysis of a recarbonised Finnish energy system for 2050


100% Renewable Energy

CHP and Thermal Storage

Solar Energy

Wind Energy

Download the models   Link to supplementary materials   An energy system based entirely on renewable energy (RE) is possible for Finland in 2050 based on the assumptions in this study. High shares of solar PV (photovoltaics) were deemed to be feasible at extreme northern latitudes when supported by flexibility harnessed from other aspects of the energy system, suggesting that...

The role of Photovoltaics towards 100% Renewable Energy Systems


100% Renewable Energy


Solar Energy


Brian Vad Mathiesen, Andrei David, Silas Petersen, Karl Sperling, Kenneth Hansen, Steffen Nielsen, Henrik Lund, Joana Brilhante das Neves

                                                    The report “The role of Photovoltaics towards 100% Renewable energy systems – Based on international market developments and Danish analysis” focuses on the contribution of solar photovoltaic in a fossil-free energy scenario in Denmark, as well...

The role of Solar thermal in Future Energy Systems





Solar Energy

Solar Thermal


Brian Vad Mathiesen, Kenneth Hansen

The report “The role of Solar thermal in Future Energy Systems – Country cases for Germany, Italy, Austria and Denmark” deals with solar thermal technologies and investigates possible roles for solar thermal in future energy systems for four national energy systems; Germany, Austria, Italy and Denmark. The project period started in January 2014 and finished by October 2017. This report...

Heat Roadmap Europe 4 (HRE4)



Czech Republic

European Union











United Kingdom

100% Renewable Energy

CHP and Thermal Storage


District Heating

Heat Pumps

    The goal of Heat Roadmap Europe 4 (HRE4) is to develop low-carbon heating and cooling strategies, called Heat Roadmaps, by quantifying and implementing changes at the national level for 14 EU Member States, which together account for approximately 85-90% of total heating and cooling in Europe. Specifically, the project aims to: Build evidence that supports decarbonization of the heating and cooling sector...

Scenarios for a sustainable energy system in the Åland Islands in 2030

Åland Islands


100% Renewable Energy


Michael Child, Alexander Nordling, Christian Breyer

Link to Article   A fully sustainable energy system for the Åland islands is possible by 2030 based on the assumptions in this study. Several scenarios were constructed for the future energy system based on various combinations of domestic production of wind and solar photovoltaic power, expanded domestic energy storage solutions, electrified transport, and strategic energy carrier trade. Hourly analysis...

The Impacts of High V2G Participation in a 100% Renewable Åland Energy System

Åland Islands


100% Renewable Energy

Storage Solutions



Michael Child, Alexander Nordling, Christian Breyer

Link to Article   A 100% renewable energy (RE) scenario featuring high participation in vehicle-to-grid (V2G) services was developed for the Åland islands for 2030 using the EnergyPLAN modelling tool. Hourly data was analysed to determine the roles of various energy storage solutions, notably V2G connections that extended into electric boat batteries. Two weeks of interest (max/min RE) generation were...


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Book, 2nd Edition Out Now

Renewable Energy Systems – A Smart Energy Systems Approach to the Choice and Modeling of 100% Renewable Solutions

By Professor Henrik Lund

List price: $99.95/£60.99/€71.95

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