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Case Studies

Below, you will find a filter. Select one of the categories to view the studies which have been completed with EnergyPLAN under this category. Many of the studies relate to more than one category.


Important Note: After you select a category, a short list will appear. Therefore, you may need to select ‘Older posts’ at the bottom of the list to view more of the studies in that category.

Scenarios for a sustainable energy system in the Åland Islands in 2030

Åland Islands


100% Renewable Energy


Michael Child, Alexander Nordling, Christian Breyer

Link to Article   A fully sustainable energy system for the Åland islands is possible by 2030 based on the assumptions in this study. Several scenarios were constructed for the future energy system based on various combinations of domestic production of wind and solar photovoltaic power, expanded domestic energy storage solutions, electrified transport, and strategic energy carrier trade. Hourly analysis...

The Impacts of High V2G Participation in a 100% Renewable Åland Energy System

Åland Islands


100% Renewable Energy

Storage Solutions



Michael Child, Alexander Nordling, Christian Breyer

Link to Article   A 100% renewable energy (RE) scenario featuring high participation in vehicle-to-grid (V2G) services was developed for the Åland islands for 2030 using the EnergyPLAN modelling tool. Hourly data was analysed to determine the roles of various energy storage solutions, notably V2G connections that extended into electric boat batteries. Two weeks of interest (max/min RE) generation were...

IDA’s Climate Response 2045 – How Denmark Can Become Climate Neutral


100% Renewable Energy

Smart Energy Systems


Henrik Lund, Brian Vad Mathiesen, Jakob Zinck Thellufsen, Peter Sorknæs, Iva Ridjan Skov

Link to Report (Danish) Summary (English) Link to EnergyPLAN models   For the past year, we have been living in a time of COVID-19, and the pandemic continues to affect all aspects of our daily lives. As a society, we have proven that we can handle major challenges when the world demands it, and in IDA believe we must apply...


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Book, 3rd Edition out now

3rd Edition Renewable Energy Systems – A Smart Energy Systems Approach to the Choice and Modeling of Fully Decarbonized Societies

By Professor Henrik Lund

List price: USD 100.00 / GBP 76.76 / EUR 87.20

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