
Introduction Forums

    • Forum
    • Topics
    • Posts
    • Last Post
    • Data for EnergyPLAN
      If you have any questions about the data required for the EnergyPLAN tool, then please post them here. This includes questions about where to find data and how to input it into the model. The FIDE Guide is designed to help users with data for EnergyPLAN, so please check this document also for any issues you may have.
    • 7,472
    • 14,017
    • 7 hours, 25 minutes ago

      edbperfect datasolutions

    • EnergyPLAN Updates
      In this forum, we publish minor updates about changes to the EnergyPLAN model. Major releases are announced via newsletter, so here mostly minor bugs that are fixed on a regular basis.
    • 2,517
    • 2,898
    • 21 minutes ago

      Karley Kiehn

    • Teaching EnergyPLAN
      This forum is for discussion in relation to the teaching of EnergyPLAN within and outside of Aalborg University. Many other institutions teach EnergyPLAN as part of their courses, so if you have any questions about training material or learning documentation, please post them here.
    • 255
    • 646
    • 17 hours, 46 minutes ago

      willy xie

    • Using the EnergyPLAN Tool
      The discussions and questions in this forum are designed to help people use the EnergyPLAN tool. Feel free to ask questions, raise discussions, and help other users with any problems or questions there might be.
    • 1,542
    • 3,288
    • 20 minutes ago

      Karley Kiehn