Can AI-based travel itineraries incorporate real-time data

Introduction Forums Using the EnergyPLAN Tool Can AI-based travel itineraries incorporate real-time data

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  • #90232
    Mark Bartra

    Can AI-based travel itineraries accommodate last-minute changes or unexpected disruptions? How? Can AI-based travel itineraries incorporate real-time data, such as weather updates and local events, to adjust plans dynamically? In what ways can AI-based travel planning help reduce the environmental impact of tourism?

    Helen Green

    AI-based travel ( itineraries can accommodate last-minute changes or unexpected disruptions by using real-time data and machine learning algorithms to adjust plans dynamically. They incorporate weather updates, local events, and traffic conditions to provide timely adjustments. Additionally, AI can suggest eco-friendly travel options, optimize routes to reduce carbon footprints, and promote sustainable tourism practices.

    Max Velin

    AI-based travel itineraries’ ability to accommodate last-minute changes and incorporate real-time data is impressive. Promoting eco-friendly options further demonstrates Let’s Trip’s commitment to sustainable tourism practices.

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