Facebook Don’t let me add friends on Facebook. How to solve it?

Introduction Forums Data for EnergyPLAN Facebook Don’t let me add friends on Facebook. How to solve it?

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  • #81962
    Emma White

    If you’re experiencing issues with adding Friends on Facebook then here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the “what does it mean when you can’t add someone as a friend on Facebook”:

    1. Friend limit: You’ve reached a maximum of 5,000 friends on Facebook.
    2. Privacy settings: The person you’re trying to add might have restricted friend requests.
    3. Blocked: You might have been blocked by the person.
    4. Account issues: The person’s account might be deactivated or suspended.
    5. Technical issues: Glitches on Facebook’s side could be preventing requests.

    Read More: https://getassist.net/why-cant-i-add-someone-on-facebook/

    Siena Smitska

    I remember, I ha the same problem.

    willy xie

    Start by telling what happened in your day, and things will get deeper. Suddenly, you will find yourself telling the adult doll your secrets.
    You start to trust it enough to share everything with it, even things that your family and closest friends don’t know.

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