Has anyone had success using coupons? What is your secret?

Introduction Forums Data for EnergyPLAN Has anyone had success using coupons? What is your secret?

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  • #48942
    Kentrell Gigi

    I check out sites like coupon mom and I check the fliers on sundays but i feel like I’m not any good at using coupons. I’ve seen these stories about people getting 70 some odd dollars off their groceries and whatnot but i never seem to find these deals. SUCCESSFUL COUPONEERS! WHAT ARE YOUR SECRETS!

    John Staples

    Hello. Many people who want to start using coupons often do not understand how to do it right and where to find the best coupons. When I first started shopping and looking for places where I could find a sufficient number of coupons, I encountered a number of difficulties, but then my friend recommended me a great site that has a whole lot of great coupons that I use regularly.
    For example, I recently decided to buy myself a laptop and using Hindu Dell Coupons I was able to save quite a decent amount on this purchase. I recommend you also try it.

    Clyde Hancock

    It’s pity but I can’t find there other shops.

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