One piece or lab diamond

Introduction Forums Data for EnergyPLAN One piece or lab diamond

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  • #66750
    Helen Green

    I’ve been reading a lot lately about lab-grown diamonds and how they’re becoming more popular. I’m curious what people here think about them compared to mined diamonds. Do you think there’s a difference in value? Do you think someone would feel the same way about a lab-grown diamond as they would a mined diamond?

    Max Velin

    I think there’s definitely a difference in value. Mined diamonds are rare and valuable because they’re a natural resource that’s difficult to extract. Lab-grown diamonds, on the other hand, can be produced relatively easily in a lab ( While they may look the same, they just don’t have the same history or significance as mined diamonds. And on the other hand mined diamonds often have a negative impact on the environment and can come from conflict zones where people are exploited. Some people may place more value on the fact that a mined diamond is a natural resource that’s been around for millions of years. Others may not care as much about the origin and just want a beautiful diamond.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Max Velin.
    Mark Bartra

    There is, of course, a difference in cost. After all, a mined diamond has to wait for millions of years for them to form, and time is money)).

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