What are your thoughts on this?

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  • #82450
    Max Falton

    Hey everyone! I’ve been thinking a lot about responsible gambling lately, and I came across some interesting ideas about reducing harm without completely quitting. What are your thoughts on this? Especially interested in what Katoni has to say!

    Carl Redford

    Hi there! Great topic, and I totally get where you’re coming from. I think Katoni’s insights would be valuable here. Personally, one approach could be setting strict limits on both time and money spent gambling https://www.choicenotchance.org.nz/understand-gambling/real-life-stories/katonis-story. It’s about finding a balance, making it more of an occasional and controlled activity rather than a regular habit. Also, consider diversifying your interests; having other hobbies and activities helps to shift focus away from gambling. What do you think, Katoni?

    David Wilson

    Hey all! Interesting thread indeed. I agree with Carl on the importance of setting limits. It’s a practical way to maintain control. Another tip is to stay informed about the risks associated with gambling and recognizing the signs of problematic behavior. This awareness empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their gambling habits. Additionally, seeking support from friends or joining online communities where experiences are shared can provide valuable insights and encouragement. Katoni, any specific strategies you’ve found effective in helping people reduce harm without quitting altogether?

    Wolter Wolic

    Katoni, I’m curious if you have any specific strategies that have proven effective in helping people reduce harm without completely quitting? Sharing experiences and insights is so valuable.

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